Condition of part: Used – Rare – Used part removed from a tested appliance, that is no longer available to purchase new or is only available by special order.
Manufacturer: Frigidaire
Appliance: All Fridge
Description: The temperature control thermostat (cold control) regulates the temperature inside the refrigerator. It turns on and shuts off the compressor as needed to maintain the set temperature.
Part number Listed on the product: A03407505, WPF8.9W-700-021, 1811.WP2249A.J, 297415101 (Tag on Wire)
Most Current Replacement Part Number: 297415203 (found using model number)
Other older Part numbers (May be compatible as a replacement part): 297415201, 297415202
Possible Model Numbers that the Part can be used in: FFRU17B2QW
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